Life and Peace

Today I read a wonderful tweet by The Venerable Dalai Lama. I do not recall the exact words but it said something like this: The strangest thing about modern humans is that they sacrifice health in pursuit of money, next they spend money on restoring their health, then they get anxious about future and pursue more money thinking they will never die, then they die never having lived. This is so true dear friends. A wise person realizes that: The most valuable thing to earn in life is peace. Happiness and good health is impossible without it. Rooting oneself in simplicity, being contented with little, with whatever can be acquired with ease and reasonable effort and good human values; one attains peace. One can not attain peace if ever in pursuit of more and if good human values are sacrificed in that pursuit. A MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASON FILLED WITH LOVE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS FOR ALL