The Love of Trees or the Lack of it

A couple of hundred yards away from my home is a near vacant property lot. The owner is a lady who has another lot on which she has built her home nearby. She is a trained beautician and has set up a small beauty parlor in a corner of the plot. In another corner are two small rooms that she has given for free to a laboring man and his family. In return for the room, they keep an eye on the property and do some cleaning. However, most of the lot is just barren leveled mud. The lady understandably does not wish to develop a garden in it because maintaining it would become an additional chore. Perhaps she does not want to grow large trees in it either because those would become a problem if a large building was ever to be constructed on the plot as is likely someday in future. She does not permit the laborer to grow vegetables in the vacant lot because then it would cause a rise in the water bill that is substantial in urban areas. Therefore the plot is more or less a vacant...