On the Pursuit of Lust and Wealth
The pursuit of lust and wealth has many similarities When one fails in pursuits of lust and wealth, one is left frustrated, at times in extreme ways, depending upon the intensity of pursuit. When one succeeds in these pursuits one is left tired and even depressed in the former case and often stressed or miserable in the latter case. If the acquisition of objects of lust and wealth are in dishonorable ways such as lusting with a prostitute or wealth through cheating or harming others then one is left diseased or disgusted in the first case and miserable, sick or imprisoned in the latter case. However, When lust is satisfied as a part of and incidental to mutual romantic love or for procreation, Or, Wealth comes unasked as a gift from the Universe or as a result of one’s good works for improving lives of others, then it is a blessing and a joy one deserves. If you happen to be one of these blessed persons, dear reader, then continue with yo...