The Rich and the Destitute

Children do not need much money to be happy. They need loving care, freedom from hunger and fear to be happy. With the grace of the Lord who took me across the length and breadth of the Earth for visits and work as a scientist and a professor in some of the finest universities of our world, and to remote locations in the Himalayas as a mystic wanderer at times, it was a pleasure to meet many people of all kinds. Some were rich and powerful, most were ordinary persons with little wealth but they had a comfortable bed, home and adequate food to pass their days among us earthlings, and, some destitute homeless persons too, who struggled for their daily bread or a bed that was warm enough for the night. It was from among ordinary persons with little wealth that there were most with simplicity, little stress and much laughter and when the end of some of them came it was quick with little opportunity for pain or suffering. They passed away swiftly to other peaceful realms. Of...